11 - Bluestream Online - Jan 26th 2022 Edition Offline
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Bluestream Films Streamed on Jan 26th 2022 are now up!

And here's the List of Films you can view (for the very first time) or watch again!

Thanks as ever go out to all the Filmmakers for sending in their Films....

00 DJ INTRO - Bluescreen Hi-Fi DJ Tom Intro Mix 30.08 mins 0 INTRO Bluescreen – 1.36 mins 1 Play Me I'm Yours 2017 live - Cube Orchestra - 3.00 mins
2 She Waits - Ellen Crofton 0.58 mins 2.1 Seeds Are Sown - Ellen Crofton 1.02 mins 3 INTRO - Not The Same Poet, But Always An Artist - Hazel Hammond & Tom Stubbs 0.55 mins 3.1 Not The Same Poet, But Always An Artist - Hazel Hammond & Tom Stubbs 10.54 mins 4 Klaatu Borada Nikto - Larry Hall 5.40 mins 5 America Northumberland 100 TFFM - Diana Taylor 5.08 mins 6 What's My Position - Dan Templeton 11.12 mins 7 Tavern Scene (MEW) - Joe Brown 1.47 mins 8 INTRO - The Forgiving Path - David Mathias 0.45 mins 8.1 The Forgiving Path - David Mathias 13.25

Back at The Cube with Bluescreen 30.03.22 https://cubecinema.com/id/12011/

