26 - Bluescreen May 29th 2024 Films Offline
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Films from May 29th Bluescreen, thanks to the Filmmakers for showing and sharing their Films with us!

  1. Mall Wizard: New Guy - Alistair Boubli 3.04 mins
  2. Shell - Skye Pearson 6.18 mins
  3. The Last Post - Robin Golding & Andy Price 14.53 mins
  4. The Dore - Mark Horton 9.06 mins
  5. Sweet Memories: An Interview with DJ Derek - Jon Kennard 17.39 mins
  6. Moving Parts - Hugo Docking 3.12 mins
  7. Fake Blood - Maria Webb 9.26 mins
  8. Ice - Amy Freeman 5.55 mins
  9. Rhiannon - Sarah Mallabar 4.50 mins
  10. Harboured - Malika Lewis & Manon Jindal 11.00 mins
  11. A Trip in the City (2001) - Steve P 5.46 mins
  12. This is a slippery trip around Soho Square - Dom Wade 9.13 mins

Back for another Screening July 31st
